Ai Crypto Coins

Innovation of Blockchain-based AI Ecosystem.
AI Crypto creates an AI ecosystem based on blockchain therefore, contributing to the development of AI industries.
Invite 1 person, earn 100 AIC
Invite 5 person, earn 1,000 AIC.
Invite 10 person, earn 2,000 AIC
Invite 20 person, earn 4,000AIC with bonus 2,000 AIC
Invite 50 person, earn 10,000 AIC with bonus 5,000 AIC
Invite 100 person, earn 20,000 AIC with bonus 10,000 AIC.

1 ref. 100 AIC
5 ref. 1000 AIC
10 ref. 2000 AIC
20 ref. 4000 AIC ve 2000 AIC bonus
50 ref. 10000 AIC ve 5000 AIC bonus
100 ref. 20000 AIC ve 10000 AIC bonus.

-Register  finish the tasks (with ethereum,email,telegram & ID) get some coins and share your link get more coins per each  ref.

-Kayit olun, sosyal medya gorevlerini tamamlayin (Ethereum, email, telegram,kimlik bilgilerinizle) ve linkinizi alip paylasin ref. basina coin kazanin.
