Staking Coin

With our unique blockchain, stakingcoin will power the future of peer to peer loans. We realise that the investment and financial space will be revolutionised by cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Based on this analysis, we are building a financial platform to bring all the advantages of the blockchain to the average end user.
-Register with your name,password email ethereum adress and dont forget to enter this code "453a3j4" on "enter referral code" area.Register will give you 5 coins and every referrals will bring you 2.5 coins more.

-Kayit olun(isim, email, sifre, ethereum adresinizi girin) "enter referral code" kismina da "453a3j4" bu kodu eklemeyi unutmayin. Kayit olunca 5 coin alacaksiniz linkinizi her yerde paylasin,referansinizla katilan basina da 2.5 coin alacaksiniz.
